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Erfahrraum model
Peer-writing is a written exchanges between students about a defined subject.
Peer-writing, Peer-tutoring, Dental assistants, Workplace trace, Blog
Students have to do a peer-writing activity using a workplace trace as a base
Scaffolding, Kollaboratives Schreiben
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler müssen eine kollaborative, reflektierende Peer-Writing-Aktivität durchführen, die den Richtlinien und Kriterien folgt.
Peer-writing, Scaffolding, Collaborative reflective writing
Students have to do a collaborative reflective peer-writing activity following guidelines and criteria.
Critical incident, Peer-writing, Peer-tutoring, Health care assistants, Blog
Students have to do a peer-writing activity using a workplace trace as a using the description of a critical incident that happened to them as a base